The four easy steps to building your unique fragrance wardrobe

Coco Chanel described perfume as the “unseen, unforgettable, ultimate accessory.” As a perfume addict, I would have to agree. We can spend a lot of time planning our perfect makeup, clothes and accessories, but a scent adds another dimension to your self-expression. It’s the invisible finishing touch that pulls our whole look together.

Much like a collection of clothes, skincare, or jewelry, a fragrance wardrobe contains a selection of scents for every occasion. If you don’t have a fragrance wardrobe yet, here are some tips to get you started!

Start with your signature scent

Much like your go-to handbag, a signature scent is something you love that you can wear every day. This scent is something that people would associate with you the most. When starting with just one fragrance, this should be it.

Dress for the occasion

As you start to build your fragrance wardrobe, you can think about scents for different occasions. You wouldn’t wear a bikini to work, would you? Similarly, scents should also match the occasion. For work, choose a non-offensive scent with low sillage (the perfume trail left by someone). For special occasions, choose a scent that makes a statement. There are no rules. Just go with your imagination.

Go with your nose

Although it would be helpful to do some research on different fragrance families and different notes to give you a better idea of what perfumes to try, keep an open mind. Sometimes a fragrance you’d think you’d hate will actually surprise you, or a fragrance you thought you’d love would smell meh on you. When trying on a perfume, go with your nose. See how the scent wears on you throughout the day. Do you like how it dries down? How does the scent make you feel? These are some things to consider when adding a fragrance to your wardrobe.

 Layer your scents

Just like how you would mix and match your clothes or layer your jewelry, you can layer your perfumes for a scent that is unique to you. Experiment with scents to see which combinations work for you. Just be sure not to layer two heavy fragrances together as it can be too overwhelming. As a bonus, if you find combinations that work for you then you won’t need to own as many bottles of perfume. 

Scents aren’t just a form of self-expression. They have silent powers; they can alter our mood, invoke memories or communicate a silent message. So if you haven’t already, you should really consider building a fragrance wardrobe. As Oscar de la Renta once said, “A fragrance is like a signature, so that even after a woman leaves the room, her fragrance should reveal she’s been there.”

Crystal Rodis-Concepcion

Age range: 24-29

Skin type/shade: light with yellow undertones, oily, sensitive and acne-prone

Skin concerns: large pores, scars, blemishes, whiteheads/blackheads, spider veins

Hair type: naturally curly, thick, color-treated

Hair concerns: hairfall, dandruff and frizz

Eye shape: hooded


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