Features Samantha Gonzales Features Samantha Gonzales

How wearing colored contacts changed my makeup routine (plus, tips for newbies!)

Once upon a time, I was trying the SNOW app and changed the eye color to a slightly lighter brown (and at around 15% opacity) than my natural eye color. Lo and behold, I looked good! GGSS (gandang-ganda sa sarili) vibes aside, it inspired me to finally research on and purchase a pair of colored contact lenses. After consulting with the other PV girls in our group chat, I bit the bullet and settled on 1,100-peso FreshKons at Eyecrafts. I mistakenly followed someone’s advice to get green lenses though (the rationale being that green made a lighter brown whereas a brown made a redder brown) and ended up with, what else, green eyes.

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Features Marielle Ong Features Marielle Ong

Tiis ganda no more: These new contact lenses promise everyday comfort

“Tiis ganda” may be a common experience but it doesn't always ring true. Beauty can go hand-in-hand with comfort, and style can fit well with practicality. For eyeglass wearers, there are many chic design options available and you can even tailor your makeup to work with your specs. But there are occasions when that great pair of prescription glasses just aren’t convenient to use, like when attending special events or doing sports. That’s when contact lenses come to the rescue!

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