Why Aging Doesn't Need To Be The Monster In Your Closet

Aging. This five-letter word has a way of making even the most confident among us flinch. But why should it? It's not like we've discovered the fountain of youth yet, and last time I checked, time machines were still a sci-fi fantasy. So, let's remove the drama from aging and see it for what it truly is – a natural, beautiful process that is as much a part of life as our very first step or word.

Beauty Isn't Age-Specific

Now we've all heard the phrase, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." It's a cliché because it's true. Beauty isn't the exclusive domain of the 20-something models plastered across magazine covers. It's a quality that transcends age, and is more about how we view ourselves than how the world views us.

Remember that each wrinkle, each smile line is a testament to your journey, your experiences, and your resilience. They are your badges of honor, the physical proof of the stories you've lived, the lessons you've learned, and the wisdom you've acquired. Embrace them!

Aging Is a Privilege

Despite what societal pressures may say, aging is indeed a privilege. Each passing year is another chapter in your unique story. It's an opportunity to learn, to grow, to experience new things, to meet new people, to create a legacy. In this sense, aging is not just inevitable, it's desirable.

The Beauty Industry Is Evolving

The good news is that the beauty industry is slowly waking up to the idea that beauty isn't confined to any particular age group. From big-name brands launching well-aging products that focus on healthy skin rather than reversing time, to ad campaigns featuring mature models, there's a clear shift in the narrative. At least, the seed of it exists.

Plus, let's not forget about the array of products tailored to cater to the specific needs of mature skin. These aren't merely products that claim to turn back the hands of time, but rather, they're designed to nourish, protect, and enhance your skin as it ages.

Self-Care Is Ageless

Above all, remember that self-care isn't age-dependent. Pampering yourself, maintaining a skincare routine, experimenting with makeup, or simply doing what makes you feel beautiful shouldn't stop as you grow older. It's a love letter to yourself, if it matters to you and you enjoy it.

So let's kick that monster out of the closet, ladies! Aging isn't something to dread or fear. It's a journey to be embraced, a testament to our lives and experiences. So here's to growing older, wiser, and more beautiful with each passing day. After all, beauty doesn't come with an expiry date.

Remember, you're not just aging, you're upgrading!

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


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