How I convinced my mother-in-law to Switch and Save with Watsons

This story is brought to you by Watsons

My mother-in-law is one of my favorite persons and I’m lucky to have a good relationship with her. You know what they say - when you marry someone, you marry their family too! I can’t - and don’t - even want to imagine having a combative relationship with a MIL. I don’t have any complaints about her. Well, okay, there is one thing: she has dishwashing fluid doing double duty as hand wash soap in her home!

I’m only half-kidding, haha. Dishwashing fluid as you know is very harsh on skin. It’s fine to use it three times a day to actually wash dishes but I wash my hands dozens of times in a day. It can really dry out when I’m in her house! So I’ve been bugging my MIL to get hand soap. Luckily, Watsons invited us to their Switch & Save Shopping Party last week, and I thought it was time for her to discover Watsons amazing deals not just on hand soap, but on practically everything related to personal care.

My MIL is the type of shopper who has her favorite brands which she just buys automatically when she runs out. She’s not really the type to browse in Watsons - she’s the kind of shopper who just grabs and goes. So, at the event, I spent time pointing out some of my favorite Watsons brand products so she can stock up on more affordable and dare I say better options for herself and her family.

She got the Watsons Goat Milk Cream Body Wash, which is one of my favorite hand washes! I even raved about it a couple of years ago. She also got Watsons Moisturizing Baby Milk Bath, Multi-Purpose Wipes, Alcohol, Body Lotion, Treatment Shampoo, and Treatment Conditioners (among other things). All of these items were Buy 1 Take 1 too so that’s an extra treat for her.

For myself, I stocked up on the Nutrabliss by Watsons vitamins. I love the Ascorbic Acid and the Vitamin B-Complex + Vitamin E variants. Not only do they have helpful vitamin content, they also taste fantastic so I drink them like juice with meals.

So yes, overall it was a successful shopping trip! Now, aside from shopping in Watsons’ over 900+ stores nationwide, customers can also shop via the Watsons app and enjoy an even wider selection of Watsons brand products.

What are you fave finds from the Watsons brand?

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


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