Fragrances Liz Lanuzo Fragrances Liz Lanuzo

Outspoken by Fergie

I'm sure you've seen the Outspoken by Fergie commercial by now. I love it when she said, "There is more than one way to be heard." I completely agree! One way is by wearing a scent that reflects your personality since it can speak volumes to those who can "hear" it, if you know what I mean.

Fergie Outspoken (2)

I must admit that I was surprised when I learned that Fergie, of the Black Eyed Peas fame, did a collaboration with Avon. She's known for her sexy image and strong personality - not really something one would immediately connect with a conservative brand like Avon. However, now that Avon is taking a more aggressive stance on women empowerment, Fergie is indeed a timely endorser as she is known to be a fun, fearless, and fashionable female that has a voice in this generation.

Avon kindly sent me a bottle of Outspoken by Fergie, designed by none other than the singer herself. It's a fresh modern scent that I really love!

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