Features Liz Lanuzo Features Liz Lanuzo

Do you really need a beauty fridge? The pros and cons of this IG-popular gadget

Beauty fridges started popping up on everybody’s Instagram feeds about a couple of years ago. It’s not that we can’t - or didn’t - use to store our skincare and makeup in an ol’ regular fridge, but there’s just something so luxurious and thus covetable about having a mini fridge specifically made to house our prized beauty possessions right on our desk. But do we really need it aside from the pretty IG content that we can get out of it?

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Features Guest Writer Features Guest Writer

Call This An Intervention: Eight things to do when you have too much makeup

Wait, can you actually have too much makeup? Sadly, the truth holds still: too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. If you’re having trouble keeping your stash properly stored or even just choosing which products to use, maybe it’s time to admit that your collection has gotten out of hand. Regain control, maximize your stash, and free up some space (for new stuff *wink wink*) with these top tips!

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Features Liz Lanuzo Features Liz Lanuzo

Makeup expiration: When to get rid of your old cosmetics

How long should you keep your makeup? There are recommended lengths of time for each cosmetics type but I have to admit, I don't follow them. I just have one general rule: if the product starts to smell rancid, separate, or just stop working the way it should, then in it goes to the bin!

Expiration dates for me are suggestions at best. I find that a product's shelf life is ultimately dictated by the limitation of its fomulation. For example, wet makeup like mascaras and liquid liners simply flake and dry up after four or five months. Lipsticks and glosses will start to thicken and just feel generally weird after two years. The waxes and oils in the formula will naturally dry up the more you use them, and you'll notice this when the product starts to separate (i.e. sweating lipstick, stringy gloss). The smell is the final giveaway though!

Gel products dry up faster than cream products, but you can tell if they're no good by checking the texture.

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Random, Skincare Liz Lanuzo Random, Skincare Liz Lanuzo

Reader Questions

Hi Liz! I've been following your blog for quite some time now. I really like reading your posts because they are so helpful to me in so many ways. I really like and appreciate that you care about affordable beauty!

So, I have really oily skin. As if that isn't enough, I also sweat rather excessively. Which is really frustrating because I am still a student (who walks around the campus a lot, under the scorching heat of the sun). My skin breaks out a lot too. By a lot, I mean I always have a big nasty zit or two on my face. They never go away! I don't really know where I've gone wrong. I try to clean my face as regularly (not excessively) as possible, but it seems like I would never be able to have clear skin.

I know that you also have oily skin too, so I thought it would be a good idea to ask you about these things. I'd really appreciate if you recommend me any product (for oily skin) that you swear by. Thanks a lot!

Also, I just like to tell you how I enjoy reading your blog, and that your posts are so helpful. More power, Liz!


Hi Honey! Thanks so much for following my site. It really makes me day when I hear from lurkers! So, about your problem. I'd like to recommend my Holy Grail product - Burt's Bees Garden Tomato Toner. It's labeled as good for troubled and oily skin, and yes, it does help clear my face of pimples and it helps lessen the oiliness.

IMG_9429 by project_vanity.

I would also recommend the Skin Hour Mattifying Day Gel. Lauren and Kira are such fans! They've both given the product rave reviews, and they are perhaps the oiliest people I know (no offense to you guys lol). I haven't tried the product personally, but it looks extremely promisin

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