The Derma Corner, Tips and Tricks Nikki Paderna, MD, DPDS The Derma Corner, Tips and Tricks Nikki Paderna, MD, DPDS

The Derma Corner: How to find out your skin type, according to a dermatologist

Do you know what your skin type is? It’s a key piece of information that will have you choose the right products for you. It will help you avoid common mistakes I’ve seen in my practice, when some of my patients admit to buying/using popularized and hyped-up products that messed up their skin. These can cause or trigger breakouts, infections, contact dermatitis or flares of skin diseases. Remember: what can work for someone may not work for you! Even we have the same skin type, our skin reacts to certain ingredients differently.

Now when you have correctly figured out your skin type, it’ll be easier to pick which products you can use. The easiest way to determine what your skin type is after washing your face and observing your skin within the day. Here then are the 5 different skin types.

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The Derma Corner, Skincare Nikki Paderna, MD, DPDS The Derma Corner, Skincare Nikki Paderna, MD, DPDS

The Derma Corner: What to do with hyperpigmentation from acne (or PIH)

I’ve talked about acne last time but now let me discuss one of the two dreaded consequences from having a breakout – post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or PIH. This happens because any inflammation to the skin (e.g. acne, eczema, irritant/allergic reaction, trauma, etc.) will have inflammatory cells causing a cascade of events that will lead to melanocytes (pigment-producing cells of the skin) to produce more melanin – what’s causing the skin pigmentation.

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