Features, Random, Video Blog Liz Lanuzo Features, Random, Video Blog Liz Lanuzo

Four things that keep me happy

Would you rather be perfect at only one thing, or would you prefer to be mediocre at a lot of things? I'd honestly choose the former because the latter is just frustrating. Modesty aside I can do a lot of things well enough; I can grasp the concept and how it can be done right, but my talent for it can only go so far. Mediocre-far. It kills me but I guess the alternative is worse: being able to do nothing worthy at all.

Anyway! Let's start the week on a positive note. ^_^ I just want to show you some of the things that keep me happy.

I've mentioned I love the movie "Her". I also loved the song in there so I decided to learn it! My version of "The Moon Song" is a combination of the one in the film and the one sung by Karen O. I hope you like it. 

I loved drawing and painting things on paper before I loved painting my face. I've had my eye on Prismacolor and Derwent Inktense pencils for a while so I went ahead and got them for my birthday. They're pretty awesome! The Prismas are super pigmented, while the Derwent ink pencils are truly intense. Studio-level art stuff aren't cheap but worth the investment. Just like makeup, come to think of it!

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Random Liz Lanuzo Random Liz Lanuzo

Quiet pursuits

You know, outside of my job and this blog, I don't have much of a social life. Sometimes I mind so I end up going out, shopping and eating a fancy meal by myself - come to think of it that's rather counterintuitive, no? I just get more bothered. But sometimes, like today, I'd rather just stay home and apply myself to quieter pursuits. It's more fulfilling and ultimately less painful on my wallet lol.

I got two new books from Fully Booked the other day: One Fifth Avenue by Candace Bushnell and Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King.

With One Fifth Avenue, I was looking for the usual chic lit stuff: witty if not funny, romantic, a little slapstick, escapist to the core. But the book comes off as a pretentious commentary on the lives of the rich and famous in New York.

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Announcements Liz Lanuzo Announcements Liz Lanuzo

Why I'm having a book sale (and why you should buy these books)

I wanted to write this in paragraph form, but I thought it would be more fun to list it down! So, these are the reasons I'm selling some of my books.

  • I love reading, but I live in a condo. Space is limited for books! (And shoes for that matter). I want to buy new titles and keep only those books I'm likely read again.
  • I read most books only once. I don't remember every small detail about them, but each book will always be a part of me and how I view the world. That's all I want from books.
  • I need more money to buy more shoes. (Kidding. Er.)
  • These books need owners who will value them more than I do. 

And these are the reasons you should buy these books:

  • I bought all of them this year from Fully Booked. Many are new titles that I got as soon as they came out. 
  • They're crazy cheap.
  • You need to support my shoe addiction. Because we're friends.
  • I also need to give away some beauty/personal care stuff, so yeah, freebies for each purchase!

And here's what I have:

RESERVED Nina Garcia's The One Hundred. Originally P640, selling for P400. (Must have for fashionistas.)

RESERVED How To Walk In High Heels by Camilla Morton, P200. (Must have for women who want to develop class and grace, as well as the wonderful talent for walking in high heels.)

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Nail Liz Lanuzo Nail Liz Lanuzo

NOTD: YSL-inspired French tip

This is what my vanity table looks like right now. I know, it's messy! Even though our helper cleans it up immaculately, I always trash it after putting on a full face of makeup. I need more space or I need to get rid of my stuff. Leaning towards the former, I love my stuff!

You can see One Day by David Nicholls there. I read it last Sunday, and all I can say is if you haven't read it yet, you should! It's one of the best books I've had in a while. It's a story about two people's paths crossing in a span of twenty years - like 500 Days of Summer, it's not a love story, but a story about love. The ending is quite painful, but I love how the author made it bittersweet.

So anyway, moving on to the kikay stuff! I did my nails today because I'm going to a dinner tonight. I only intended to wear the NYX Girls nail polish in Pacific Blue, but I suddenly had a brilliant (though not-so-original) idea: what if I do a French tip using another color?

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Random Liz Lanuzo Random Liz Lanuzo

Happy holidays

The reason I haven't been blogging is because I have been reading. A lot. I used to read dozens of book every month when I was younger, but all that changed when I started working. I've marathoned a few books, but always in spurts. Tis' the perfect season to devour books along with the tastiest food! Hehe. 


Yesterday, Christmas day, my dad, mom, and I visited Tagaytay. It seems as if we weren't the only ones who had that brilliant idea. It was traffic-fest as carloads of families poured into restaurants and tourist spots! It feels as if we spent most of our day trip there mucking in traffic. Still, it was fun, and I couldn't have thought of a better way to spend the day.

Now, what I'm really waiting for is New Year.

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