New Asian Secrets Variants

I really need to be visit drugstore aisles more often. It seems that I'm missing valuable news! If a reader didn't tell me about the new Asian Secrets variants, I wouldn't have known until oh I don't know, next year. Tsk. Anyways, yes it's true: there are now more Asian Secrets products to love!

AS now has two more versions of its best-selling lulur scrub: Licorice and Mulberry Extract (purple) and the Seaweed Extract with Vitamin E (blue). They both smell nice, though they're more on the soapy kind.

I still prefer the original Asian Secrets Lulur with green tea and jasmine since it reminds me of being in a spa, versus being in a garden variety shower. Still, if you didn't like jasmine, these new variants are worth looking into. I like the Seaweed one better between the two. ;)

Other than scent, however, these new lulur versions are basically the same as the original in terms of texture and efficacy.

Asian Secrets Bengkoang Indonesian Whitening Soap with Moisturizing Olive Oil

Asian Secrets Bengkoang Indonesian Whitening Soap with Natural Antiseptic Betel Extract

The soaps are another animal. I like them since they're moisturizing, plus they're a great companion for the lulur. Use the soap first before exfoliating to sort of prep and clean your skin for the scrub ahead. That's how I prefer to do it anyway, but if you want to dry scrub first then soap afterwards, that will work too!

My verdict? You know I'm a fan of Asian Secrets lulur (I have a small hoard) so that's definitely a must-have. The soaps are a nice extra - they won't blow your mind away but they do the basic job of cleansing without drying your skin. Get them if you can find them, as I hear that they're always sold out!

You can find Asian Secrets in Watsons, Mercury Drug, SM Hypermart, SM Supermarket, PCX, Puregold, Shopwise, Robinsons, Unimart and all other supermarkets nationwide.

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


What's in my bag 2011


Dove Beauty Moisture Facial Cleanser