Finding Self-Confidence in Your 30s: The Unofficial Guide to Flourishing (Despite Everything)

Ah, the 30s. That magical decade when you're expected to have your life together but often find yourself wondering whether eating cereal for dinner again is a sign of independence or just poor time management. But fear not, dear reader, for this is also the decade where you find a deeper well of self-confidence—partly because you're too busy to care about the small stuff and partly because you've survived your 20s, which is no small feat. So, how do you unlock this treasure trove of self-assurance? Here’s some advice.

1. Redefine Your Beauty Standards

Your 30s come with beauty revelations, like the fact that fine lines are simply your face's way of showcasing your knack for expressing emotions other than "perpetually confused." It's time to tweak that skincare routine to something that celebrates, rather than battles, the evidence of your laughter and frowns. As for makeup, let's aim for products that make you feel fabulous, not just ones that cover up what you've been told are flaws. Because, let's be honest, the real flaw is society's standards, not your crow's feet.

2. Adopt a "Been There, Done That" Mindset

Think of your 30s as the sequel to your 20s, where you get to correct past mistakes with the wisdom of someone who definitely knows better now (or at least pretends to). Adopting a growth mindset allows you to view challenges as opportunities to learn and evolve. In your 30s, you've likely faced setbacks and triumphs alike. Reflect on these experiences with kindness and curiosity. What lessons have they taught you? How have they shaped the person you are today? By focusing on growth, you'll find that your confidence builds naturally as you become more adept at navigating life's ups and downs.

3. Rekindle Old Flames (of Passion, Not Exes)

Now is the time to revisit those hobbies and interests that fell by the wayside when adulting got too real. Wanted to be in a band? Start with a ukulele from Amazon and a YouTube tutorial. Dreamed of painting? Your living room wall is a canvas waiting to happen (just check with your landlord first). These passions fuel your confidence by reminding you that there's more to life than spreadsheets and Zoom calls. Allow yourself the freedom to explore without judgment, and watch as your confidence grows in tandem with your skills and knowledge.

4. Curate Your Social Circle Like a Fine Art Collection

Your 30s are when you realize that friendships are less about quantity and more about quality. Surround yourself with a mix of cheerleaders, wise sages, and fellow adventurers who make you laugh, think, and, on occasion, roll your eyes. These are the people who will reflect the best parts of you, even when you're feeling more like abstract art than a masterpiece.

These connections provide a mirror to our best selves, reflecting back the strength and beauty we might overlook. Invest time in friendships that make you feel seen and valued. Remember, confidence can also be a shared journey, bolstered by the love and encouragement of those around us.

5. Embrace Self-Care

Self-care in your 30s isn't just about face masks and bubble baths (though, those are nice). It's about setting boundaries, like not checking emails at midnight and recognizing that saying "no" is a complete sentence. It's about listening to your body when it whispers (or screams) for rest, and treating yourself with the kindness you'd reserve for a dear friend—or a temperamental houseplant you're trying to keep alive.

Self-care is a foundational pillar of self-confidence. It's a tangible expression of self-love, whether through a dedicated skincare routine, mindfulness practices, or simply setting boundaries to protect your energy. Listen to your body and mind, and give them what they need to thrive. In doing so, you signal to yourself that you are worthy of care and attention, which is a powerful confidence booster.

6. Set Goals That Actually Matter

Gone are the days of setting goals because they sound good at dinner parties. In your 30s, your ambitions should be less about impressing others and more about satisfying your soul. Want to climb the corporate ladder? Go for it. Prefer to build a ladder out of old books in your living room? Equally valid. The key is to pursue goals that make your heart sing, even if it's slightly off-key. What's important is that they reflect what truly matters to you. Achieving these goals, big or small, reinforces your belief in your abilities and builds confidence in your capacity to shape your life's direction.

7. Remember, It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint (Thank Goodness)

Finally, let's not forget that building confidence is a marathon, not a sprint—and thank goodness for that because who really enjoys running, anyway? Your 30s are about enjoying the journey, with all its twists, turns, and occasional detours. It's about embracing your quirks, celebrating your victories (no matter how small), and learning to laugh at the chaos.

Your 30s are a time to revel in the person you've become and to look forward to who you will be. Embrace each day with kindness, curiosity, and a dash of courage. After all, confidence is not about never faltering; it's about having the resilience to rise every time we do. Here's to a decade of thriving, laughing, and living with confidence. Let’s do it!

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


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