A Brighter Smile Awaits: How to Combat Teeth Stains and Yellowing

There's something captivating about a bright, radiant smile. It's like being the proud owner of a luxury item that never goes out of style. But achieving that coveted sparkle can sometimes feel like navigating a minefield in a world obsessed with coffee, tea, and the occasional "just one more glass" of red wine. Fear not, my friends! Here’s some advice on how to help brighten your teeth over time.

1. Embrace the Basics: Good Oral Hygiene

Imagine if brushing and flossing were like your skincare routine, but for your teeth. Choosing a toothpaste with whitening properties is akin to selecting the perfect serum to combat those pesky blemishes. And let's not forget about the dentist – think of them as your skincare guru, but for your mouth. Regular cleanings are the secret behind every dazzling smile. It's less about finding a quick fix and more about committing to a lifestyle where your toothbrush is your best ally.

Introducing the Sparkle Triple Active Sonic Toothbrush! This electric brush has three different settings: one for whitening, then sensitive teeth, then for the gums! I’ve tried it and it has a strong vibration to get your cleaner results. Currently, it’s 30% off during Sparkle’s Summer Payday Sale, at P2,035 only.

If you’re looking for an extra whitening boost, sparkle also has the Whitening Booster Gel. Unlike other leave-on teeth whitening treatments, this one is just meant to be squeezed on top of your normal toothpaste (same amount) and rinsed out as you normally do when you brush your teeth. I love that it doesn’t have a weird taste or smell! There is no ngilo too. Currently, there is a Booster Gel Bundle at 32% off - you get two tubes for P999.

2. Mind Your Diet: The Culprit Behind the Curtain

Our beloved coffee and tea, while fueling our souls and keeping our eyes wide open, unfortunately, don't do any favors for our teeth. And red wine? If it stains your clothes, it can also stain your teeth. Here's a tip: use a straw when indulging in your dark-colored beverages. Yes, you might look like you're misunderstanding the purpose of a wine glass, but your teeth will thank you. And always, always chase down these drinks with a water rinse.

3. Quit Smoking: The Not-So-Glamorous Glow Up

Smoking is to teeth what horror movie marathons are to sleep - a real nightmare. It's the culprit behind the yellow tinge that no filter can hide. Quitting smoking is not just a step towards a brighter smile, but a leap towards overall health. Imagine your teeth sending you thank you notes for giving them a chance to shine. It might just be worth the battle.

5. Consider Professional Whitening: A Beauty Investment

For those stubborn stains that seem to have taken a permanent lease on your teeth, professional whitening treatments can serve as an eviction notice. Yes, this route might cost more than your favorite lipstick, but the results speak for themselves. It's like opting for a luxury facial when your skin needs some serious TLC - expensive, yes, but oh-so-worth it.

6. Natural Remedies: The DIY Route

For those who prefer a gentler approach or enjoy a good DIY project, natural remedies like baking soda can offer a less aggressive path to whiter teeth.. Oil pulling, an ancient practice involving swishing oil in your mouth, is also touted for its oral health benefits, including teeth whitening. However, these methods are more about maintenance and are less likely to produce dramatic results.

Achieving a brighter smile is like curating the perfect skincare routine - it requires patience and consistency. Just keep going and before you know it, your teeth are brighter than ever.

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


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